If you would like to run the 5K virtually, you can switch your registration to virtual. Then just complete a 5K run on your own and report it to us on a link to be provided later. Following race day we will mail you your medal. Please note that we have not ordered T-shirts for this event and we do not intend to do that for this year. To switch to the Virtual run, please select the "change to another race" radio box and select the Virtual 5K option. Then just report your time, and we'll mail out your medal in the week following Easter.
To defer your registration, please see the below link with instructions to log in to CT Live and defer. You will select the "defer my registration to another event" radio box and select the 2021 Billsburg Bunny Hops event. Once you have completed that, you are set for next year's race.
Use the link below to use your deferral code to register for the 2021 event on April 3, 2021.
Please reach out should you have any questions. We wish you and your family a healthy and safe Easter holiday. We hope everyone is adhering to CDC guidelines to help us get through this pandemic in the shortest timeframe possible.